Our Lady Of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

We are very lucky that our church is on our school site, so we can visit whenever we would like. 

We have a wonderful Parish Priest, Canon Michael Harrison, who is always popping in to see us and always makes us feel special!

"We are blessed as a parish to have a wonderful relationship with our Primary School. The school regularly comes to the church for Masses and services with many parishioners joining them for these special moments. Likewise, you will often see Canon Michael, Father Prasad and Rick in school joining students and staff in celebrating the life and faith of the school.

It is a joy to have pupils taking an active part in the life of the parish at weekends as readers and altar servers. Similarly, we truly appreciate the numerous staff from the school who are involved in children's liturgy, sacramental preparation and much more".

Our Lady of Walsingham Church in Corby - Our Lady's Primary School


The school has outstanding links to the parish which is on the same site. The parish priest is a regular visitor and a number of staff, as well as children, are parishioners. The children prepare for the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation in school. They are also on the reading rota every six weeks, organised by a member of staff. Pupils prepare in school for First Holy Communion in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6, helping to promote these links further. (Section 48 Report 2022)